Sunday, May 8, 2011

Forgotten Cookies

I made these cookies a couple of weeks ago (same time I made the Ranger Cookies) and I hadn't really forgotten to post about them, just got lazy.  First, these cookies are ridiculously easy.  You make a batch lay 'em out on a cookie sheet, toss them in the preheated oven, turn the oven off and forget about them until the next day.  Now, this might take a little planning on your part, you can't really make them until you're done with your oven for the day and I don't suggest waiting (as we did) to make them at 11 at night after you've had a lovely adult beverage.  While this is a forgiving recipe, it's still a shame to mess up a good thing. 

I'm told these cookies are a meringue cookie.  Having never made a meringue of any variety in my life I'll take their word for it.

Since it is a forgiving cookie, I tried a variation of 1 tsp orange extract in place of the almond.  Because the orange flavor was SO strong, I would cut it back to 1/2 tsp in the future.  Another lesson learned, egg size matters, it calls for 2 egg whites and it really needs about 2.5 adding the extra egg white in the orange flavored cookies seemed to help the cookies hold their shape a little better.  Also, Grandma made a note that mini-chocolate chips seem to work best since it's such a small cookie and I would agree.

Thanks to Carole I had a  helping hand and got a few more pictures than usual in.

Cookies go in the oven...

Cookies come out the next day

Orange flavored version with extra egg white and mini chocolate chips made for a nice round cookie

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