Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Project

Every Christmas for as long as I can remember, my family has always baked our "family standards" in Christmas cookies, breads, candies, and probably cakes and pies as well.  As the years have gone on, the kids and grandkids have gotten older, and the great grandkids find other "more interesting" things to do with their time, this tradition appears to be going by the wayside, much to our regret. 

This year, it was left up to me to make the bread for Christmas morning and I made a wonderful discovery: Grandma's Recipe Box.  I didn't know my mother had it all this time.  There are recipes in there with a title and 3 ingredients and that's it!  No measurements, instructions, baking times, temperatures or anything else that might make a "normal" recipe.  Mom said that's how Grandma and my great aunts did it, mostly by memory.  Fortunately for me, there are still a lot of recipes that look like "normal" recipes, with ingredients and quantities, instructions (sometimes), times and temperatures.  I've been thinking on this a good deal - ok, at least overnight - and I have decided on The Project.

The Project:  Create (at least) 1 confection from Grandma's Recipe Box per week for 1 year

Goal: To bring back some tasty vintage cookies, cakes, breads, and candies that may have gotten lost in an effort to be modern - and a little bit of family history too.

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