Friday, January 7, 2011

Butterscotch Brownies

So one often gets to pondering certain accepted things when doing projects of this nature.  This week's ponderance is on butterscotch.  Some people love it and others claim to not care for it so much.  But what exactly is butterscotch?  Apparently, as you might have guessed, it's butter that has been heated and combined with sugar.  It is slightly less dense and brittle than toffee (another recipe from Grandma that we all know and love). It is not the flavor we've all come to recognize from hard candy, suckers, syrups, etc. The word "butterscotch" was first recorded in the Yorshire town of Doncaster.  It is also suggested that "scotch" is a derivation of "scorch".  I must say butterscotch is much more appealing than butterscorch.  Butterscotch in its first recording and creation is credited to Samuel Parkinson who owned a confectionary shop in Doncaster.

I decided that 2 batches of brownies should be made, since it only makes an 8x8 pan and I intend to take it to a social occasion.  This recipe actually has no butter and uses brown sugar instead of the original white.  Apparently the brown sugar is fairly common after the 1900's.  So I started making this recipe and had little confidence it would turn out.  As it happens, I should have had more faith.  It turned out wonderfully, is slightly chewy (in a stick to your teeth kind of way) and is generally fabulous!  It's a good thing I'm making 2 batches, and cutting tiny squares!

I'll even post pictures from the second batch; this one is going fast and I think I should go to the gym now...

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